Montag, 8. November 2010

Show you know

Show you know pg.96
For each of the following,use perfect squares to estimate the square root to one decimal place.Check your answer with a calculator

Ok so baseicly what you have to do is look at your question=18squared draw a line and see what prfect squares are closest to it=4 times 4=16,5 times 5=25,.You put the lower number on the left side and the higher number on the right side. then you you look what numbert is in between 4.5 and put that in the middle UNDER the line. place 4 UNDER the left side of the line and write 5 UNDER the right side of the line. now its time to place 18 on the upper area of the line on the left side of 4.5 but on the right of 4 dont forget this one goes over the line so it should all look like this:

16 18 25 _________________________________________________________________
4 4.5 5
so baecly what you do now is estimate Id say the square root is about 4.2.If you want the exact answer type in 18 then hit the square button on you calculator and you get=4.2426406 and thats all there is to it.

Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2009


IT is easy to Estimate in case you don't know I will show you.


It is clear that 600+400=1000 and 3000+5000=8000 you can add them up and they would make 9000 than 79+65 would make a little more than 100 so you just put say 130 that all together would make about 9130 and that's how you estimate. this guy will show you another way to estimate

Todays lesson was Mathlinks7 Page 57-59 you cann look it up on: if you are a member.

Estimate is also called aproximate.

this method of solving answers is jused in every day live to make things easy when you know how to estimate everything will be much faster But remember it is not exact!

You can also use this in multiplication, addition, subtraction and divison it can also be used in more important things like: Farming, making, playing and any kind of job.

If you still don't know how to estimate than you Have to visit more websites go on youtube or let your Parents tell you.

I hope you liked my blog and remember estimate makes math easy but is not exact.